Friday, 22 July 2011

Welcome to the Internet Lifestyle

Hello, my name is Rob Cubbon. I am a graphic designer who fell in love with blogging in 2006 when I started a blog on my personal site. I immediately started getting interest in myself and my company and quickly realised that I was into this blogging thing for the long term.

I also quickly realised that I was falling in love (OK allow me to exaggerate) with WordPress – the free blogging software that powers 10% (I'm not even exaggerating there) of the web. WordPress, for those of you that don't know, allows non-technical people to create beautiful and useful websites quickly and easily.

Although I talk about WordPress on my main site, WordPress's ability to rank highly on search engines prompted me to create another website about WordPress, SEO and Internet Marketing . This site helps people use WordPress to communicate to the world, whether they want to talk about themselves, their products, their businesses or their passions (or maybe all of the above).

I also have a website designed to help people running a web design business:

Also, I have always had an interest in self improvement. This is a long story and not for now but I basically went from being a very unhappy person to being a very happy person within a short space of time about 7 or 8 years ago.

Although the reasons and effects of this sudden turnaround are complex, one thing that I took from this very real change that I could put my finger on was giving up smoking.

I had been a pack a day smoker for 15 years and suddenly I gave up. So I set up a website 5 years ago detailing the method I used to give up smoking. Imagine my joy every time I get an email or phone call from someone who has given up using my method? Have a look at the website:

So, there's a little about me. I would be interested to hear about you? Please leave you comments below.

I will use this Blogger (soon to be called Google Blogs) blog about recent news in my profession and personal development. I will share with you my latest discoveries!

That's enough for now. So long! ;)